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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - June 14, 1985 <br />5. COMMUNICATIONS (Cont.) <br />a. continuea... <br />has any questions concerning this amendment, <br />pl. se telephone my office at 232 -8011. <br />Mr. <br />Sincerely, <br />Teachers Credit Union <br />W. B. Hawkins <br />President <br />Ben Hawkins was present and noted that <br />,hers Credit Union was anxious on getting <br />.r building started. He stated that they <br />I the space desperately and believe the <br />ect to be very beneficial to Teachers <br />lit Union and downtown South Bend. <br />Mr. Donoho made a motion to amend the Teachers <br />Credit Union project description to reflect <br />concepts and requests set forth in the letter <br />of June 13, 1985, received from Teachers <br />Credit Union, and authorize the President and <br />Sec etary to execute any necessary documents. <br />The motion was seconded by Mr. Combs and <br />unwiimously carried. <br />Mr. Hawkins invited everyone to join them at <br />the groundbreaking ceremony on June 21, 1985, <br />at :30 a.m. at the site. He stated there <br />will also be an open house at the Americana <br />Hotel immediately following the groundbreaking <br />and all are welcome to attend. <br />Ms.1Jeanne Derbeck asked about the <br />con truction of the parking garage. <br />Mrs Kolata explained that the staff is still <br />looking at a couple of possibilities on how <br />and when to construct the garage. The <br />possibilities are to delay the construction or <br />to build it without leasing to Teachers Credit <br />Union, but no decision has been made as of <br />yet She explained that it ties into the <br />Internal Revenue Service determination as to <br />whether or not it counts against Teachers <br />Cre.lit Union's capital expenditures. <br />G • <br />There wad no old business. <br />-5- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED TO <br />AMEND THE TEACHERS CREDIT <br />UNION PROJECT DESCRIPTIOIN <br />RELATING TO DISPOSITION <br />PARCELS 4 -67, 4 -68, 4 -84 <br />AND VACATED ALLEY IN THE <br />SOUTH BEND CENTRAL DEVELOP- <br />MENT AREA <br />NO OLD BUSINESS <br />