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South Bend <br />Regular Me, <br />elopment Commission <br />- June 14, 1985 <br />5. COMMUNIMTIONS (Copt.) <br />a. c:ontinuea... <br />floors contains approximately 66,438 square <br />fee , if the subsurface level is utilized. <br />The dimensions for the new building design <br />include the following: <br />1) The first floor will contain 13,947 square <br />feet, and will house the necessary banking <br />equipment and facilities to provide ten teller <br />stations, two automated teller machines, and <br />the members services department; <br />2) The second floor, consisting of 13,606 <br />square feet, will contain a second story <br />balcony designed to provide the first floor <br />with an atrium ceiling. The floor will be <br />used for administrative offices; <br />3) The third floor will contain 11,786 square <br />feet and the fourth floor will contain 12,203 <br />square feet. These floors will be used for <br />administrative and operational offices, such <br />as the Visa department and accounting. <br />The four floors, described above, <br />together with a 14,896 square feet basement <br />co rise 66,438 square feet. Therefore, these <br />diimmsions are very similar to the original <br />design containing 71,500 square feet above <br />ground. All that is lost by eliminating the <br />two top floors is space to expand our <br />operational functions into additional offices, <br />and space to lease to third parties. <br />The four floors and basement supply <br />sufficient space to provide the Credit Union's <br />total line of financial services to Credit <br />Union members, particularly those employed in <br />the downtown area. Therefore, the Credit <br />Union's amended building proposal will not <br />impair the intended use of the building. All <br />design feature found in the original proposal, <br />for the first four stories are identical to <br />the original proposal will remain unchanged, <br />des ite the slight reduction in space. <br />Thank you for your consideration of this <br />led project description. If the <br />.ssion or the Department of Redevelopment <br />