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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - June 14, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />e. ConT- inuea.. . <br />Mrs Kolata explained that with the action <br />taken today by the Commission in confirming <br />the new Redevelopment area, we have eliminated <br />our previous Design Review Committee. The <br />Comnission is being asked to approve the <br />establishment of a new Design Review Committee <br />that is made up of eight members. Four <br />menZers are appointed by position which <br />include the Director of Redevelopment, City <br />Building Commissioner, Director of Area Plan <br />Commission, and the City Engineer. The fifth <br />me r is to represent the area as a whole. <br />The staff is recommending that Bruce <br />Huntington be appointed to that position. Mr. <br />Huntington has a Masters Degree in Urban <br />Plmming and serves as a Consultant within the <br />community. The three remaining positions need <br />to be appointed, but the staff is not prepared <br />to make any recommendations to the Commission <br />at this time. It is a two year term and the <br />fir t meeting will be scheduled for June 18, <br />198t. <br />Upom a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded COMMISSION APPROVED APPOINT - <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the MENDS TO THE DESIGN REVIEW <br />Commission approved Jon R. Hunt, Richard COMMITTEE <br />Jo son, Jack Mathews, John Leszczynski and <br />Bruce Huntington as appointments to the Design <br />Review Committee. <br />f. ssion authorization requested for <br />President and Secretary to execute contract <br />for services with Ralph D. Lauver, Real Estate <br />Appraiser and Consultant, for appraisals for <br />real property located within the South Bend <br />Cenixal Development Area. <br />Mrs Kolata stated that Items 6f and 6g are <br />related. Both contracts for services will be <br />in the amount of $15,000 each. The work would <br />be completed within 45 to 60 days and each <br />contractor would be asked to prepare 25 <br />appraisals within the newly established <br />Red veloment area. <br />Upo a motion made by Mr. Combs, seconded by <br />Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />Conriission authorized the President and <br />-21- <br />