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South BE <br />Regular <br />6. NEW <br />a. <br />cop <br />C. <br />:nd <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />Meeting <br />- May 24, 1985 <br />BUSINESS <br />(Cont.) <br />Continued... <br />Bes <br />er Archibald Jurtin's Construct <br />113 <br />Bissell <br />Upom <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. <br />Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Conmission <br />approved proposals and grants in <br />conmection <br />with the Emergency Repair Program <br />as <br />listed above. <br />Co <br />ssion approval requested for Proclaimer <br />Certificate <br />No. 8 relative to establishment of <br />fair <br />market value of property to be acquired <br />in the <br />East Bank Development Area. <br />Hunt explained that Proclaimer Certificate <br />Mr. <br />No. <br />8 relates to part of Parcel 2 -16 which is <br />a small <br />parcel of land between Crescent <br />Electric <br />and the East Raceway. If the <br />acquisition <br />is completed it would be combined <br />with <br />the Crescent Electric site which is owned <br />by Redevelopment. <br />This would create another <br />ass <br />led site that could be put up for sale. <br />The <br />Proclaimer would then establish the fair <br />market <br />price which is in the amount of <br />$35,091. <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by D1r. <br />Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Cormdssion <br />approved Proclaimer Certificate No. <br />8 r <br />lative to establishment of fair market <br />value <br />of property to be acquired in the East <br />Bank <br />Development Area. <br />CormLission <br />approval r ested for Resolution <br />No. <br />738 relating to acquisition of property by <br />condemnation <br />in the East Bank Development <br />Area. <br />Hunt explained that the property in <br />Mr. <br />question <br />is related to Proclaimer Certificate <br />No. <br />8. This would authorize the Commission to <br />mov <br />for condemnation of the property should <br />they <br />not be able to reach a purchase agreement <br />within <br />a 30 day period with the property <br />own <br />r. <br />Upor <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr, <br />Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />-4- <br />.ion Co. $ 700.00 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED PROPOSALS <br />AND GRANTS IN CONNECTION <br />WITH THE EMERGENCY REPAIR <br />PROGRAM AS LISTED ABOVE <br />COMMISSION APPROVED PROCLAIM - <br />ER CERTIFICATE NO. 8 RELATIVE <br />TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FAIR <br />MARKET VALUE OF PROPERTY TO <br />BE ACQUIRED IN THE EAST BANK <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />