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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - April 12, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSMSS (Cont.) <br />e. uonzinuea... <br />signage. The overall plan is due by May <br />1 <br />Three proposals were obtained. Hurtt /Kenrick <br />& sociates submitted a proposal in the <br />amo t of $9,400 to be completed in four and <br />one half weeks. Crumlish- Sporleder submitted <br />a proposal in the amount of $12,750 to be <br />comDleted within 30 working days. <br />LeR y- Troyer & Associates submitted a proposal <br />in the amount of $12,500 to be completed <br />witain 10 -12 weeks. Hurtt /Kenrick & <br />Ass ciates was selected because it was the <br />mos timely and lowest bid received. <br />The Redevelopment staff and Hurtt /Kenrick will <br />be meeting with all of the selected owners on <br />an individual basis to discuss the needs for <br />their businesses. <br />Upo a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Comnission approved a proposal from <br />Hur t /Kenrick & Associates for facade design <br />and guidelines for the Central Business <br />Dis rict. <br />f. Comnission approval requested for a lease with <br />OSCID Drug, Inc., for premises located at <br />124-130 S. Michigan Street. <br />Ms. Schwartz explained that this lease will <br />allow Osco Drug to lease the present space <br />the are located in at 126 -130 S. Michigan and <br />also allow them to expand into 124 S. <br />Michigan. This is a two -year lease with three <br />one-year options to renew. During the three <br />one-year opotions, the Redevelopment <br />Comnission could terminate the lease upon 90 <br />day notice if a major development came along. <br />Osc 's will be making a total of $258,000 in <br />lea 3e-hold improvements, fixtures and <br />eqLipment going into the building. <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A <br />PROPOSAL FROM HURTT /KENRICK <br />& ASSOCIATES FOR FACADE <br />DESIGN AND GUIDELINES FOR <br />THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT <br />Upo a motion made by Mr. Donoho, seconded by COMMISSION AUTHORIZED THE <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO <br />Comnission authorized the President and EXECUTE THE LEASE WITH <br />OSCO DRUG, INC., AND ANY <br />OTHER DOCUMENTS ASSOCIATED <br />THEREWITH <br />