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South Be <br />Regular <br />6. NEW <br />f. <br />a <br />h. <br />!nd Redevelopment <br />Commission <br />Meeting <br />- February 8, 1985 <br />BUSINESS <br />(Cont.) <br />approval requested for Resolution <br />CormLission <br />No. <br />732 petitioning the Portage Township <br />Ass <br />ssor for a reassessment of the property in <br />the <br />Monore Sample Development Allocation Area. <br />Ms. <br />Schwartz explained that under the <br />Redevelopment <br />Statute dealing with Tax <br />Incremental <br />Financing it provides for the <br />Cormiission <br />to petition the Portage Township <br />Ass <br />ssor each year to reassess the property <br />within <br />the allocation areas that have been <br />pre <br />iously declared by the Redevelopment <br />Cormiission. <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Ms. <br />Auburn and unanimously carried, <br />Resolution <br />No. 732 petitioning the Portage <br />Township <br />Assessor for a reassessment of the <br />projerty <br />in the Monore Sample Development <br />Allocation <br />Area was approved. <br />Co <br />ssion approval requested for Resolution <br />No. <br />733 petitioning the Portage Township <br />Ass <br />ssor for a reassessment of the property in <br />the <br />Rum Village Industrial Park Allocation <br />Are <br />. <br />Schwartz explained that under the <br />Ms. <br />Redevelopment <br />Statute dealing with Tax <br />Incremental <br />Financing it provides for the <br />Comatission <br />to petition the Portage Township <br />Ass <br />ssor each year to reassess the property <br />within <br />the allocation areas that have been <br />previously <br />declared by the Redevelopment <br />CormLission. <br />This is the first petition for <br />the <br />Rum Village Industrial Park Allocation <br />Area. <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. Combs, seconded by <br />Mr. <br />Donoho and unanimously carried, Resolution <br />No. <br />733 petitioning the Portage Township <br />Ass <br />ssor for a reassessment of the property in <br />the <br />Rum Village Industrial Park Allocation <br />Area. <br />was approved. <br />CormLission <br />approval requested for Resolution <br />No. <br />734 app roving the fair market re -use value <br />of land <br />within the Monroe Sample Development <br />Area. <br />-6- <br />RESOLUTION NO. 732 <br />PETITIONIING THE PORTAGE <br />TOWNSHIP ASSESSOR FOR A <br />REASSESSMENT OF THE PROPERTY <br />IN THE MONROE SAMPLE <br />DEVELOPMENT ALLOCATION AREA <br />WAS APPROVED <br />RESOLUTION NO. 733 <br />PETITIONING THE PORTAGE <br />TOWNSHIP ASSESSOR FOR A <br />REASSESSMENT OF THE PROPERTY <br />IN THE RUM VILLAGE INDUSTRIAL <br />PARK ALLOCATION AREA WAS <br />