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South Bend edevelopment Conuni ssion <br />Regular Meeting - June 8, 1984 <br />6. NEW BUS$NESS (Cont.) <br />b. Continued... <br />Ma Ann Minne <br />171t Elwood <br />J s & Linda Regelean <br />511 E. Corby <br />Sar h Ellis. <br />106 S. Kentucky <br />Contractor Proposal Loan <br />Jurtin Construction Co. $20,500.00 $21,350.00 <br />Plaia Construction Co. $ 7,821.00 $ 8,300.00 <br />Plaia Construction Co. $ 5,601.00 $ 6,000.00 <br />Mrs Kolata noted that when the contractor <br />went out to make a quote on the house located <br />at 11 E. Corby the homeowner had already <br />satisfactorily completed some of the items <br />included on the specifications. This made a <br />$2, 00 difference between the Bureau of <br />Hou ing estimate and the contractor's <br />pro sal. <br />Mr. Donoho raised a question on the electrical <br />work done at 106 S. Kentucky. He noted that a <br />previous contract approved by the Con - mission <br />for similar electrical work was done for a <br />lesser amount than the electrical work done at <br />106 S. Kentucky. <br />Mrs Kolata explained that this may be a <br />result of having a general contractor having <br />the bid rather than a subcontractor. <br />Mr. Ted Leverman agreed that the Bureau of <br />Housing will review the bids in questions and <br />re rt back to the Commission on this matter. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded <br />by Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, <br />proposals in connection with the 312 Loan <br />Pr ram were approved for Jurtin Construction <br />in the amount of $20,500.00; Plaia <br />Con truction in the amount of $7,821.00; and <br />Plaia Construction in the amount of $5,601.00. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded <br />by mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, loans <br />in connection with the 312 Loan Program were <br />approved for Mary Ann Minne, 1718 Elwood, in <br />the amount of $21,350.00; James and Linda <br />-4- <br />PROPOSALS IN CONNECTION WITH <br />THE 312 LOAN PROGRAM WERE <br />APPROVED FOR JURTIN CONSTRUC- <br />TION IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,500; <br />PLAZA CONSTRUCTION IN THE <br />AMOUNT OF $7,821; AND PLAIA <br />CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT <br />OF $5,601 <br />LOANS WERE APPROVED IN CON- <br />NECTION WITH THE 312 LOAN <br />PROGRAM FOR MARY ANN MINNE, <br />1718 ELWOOD, IN THE AMOUNT <br />OF $21,350; JAMES AND LINDA <br />