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South Bend <br />Regular Me, <br />6. NEW BU <br />h. Co: <br />i. <br />elopment Commission <br />- April 13, 1984 <br />(Cont.) <br />d... <br />Mr.INimtz resumed the chair. <br />Communi <br />for a contract <br />ted to <br />Redevelopment Administration Activity <br />Mr. Hunt explained that this contract is a <br />readjustment that will be made between the <br />personnel and non - personnel line items. It <br />will. reduce the non - personnel line item by <br />$5, 44 and increase the personnel line item by <br />$5, 44 to reflect expenditures that took place <br />be een April 1, 1983 and December 1, 1983. <br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Conriission approved a contract with Community <br />Development related to Redevelopment <br />Administration Activity (CD83 -601). <br />j. CcrmLission approval requested for a contract <br />with Community Development related to <br />RedEvelopment Administration Activity <br />(CD 4 -601). <br />Mr. Hunt explained that this contract <br />increases non- personnel line items by $23,000 <br />in accordance with a Council appropriation for <br />additional Community Development <br />Administration. $15,000 will be for a <br />computer that Redevelopment will be receiving <br />as the City implements the City -wide computer <br />system. Also, $8,000 will be for the purchase <br />of a new vehicle to replace the Department's <br />older vehicle. <br />Upo a motion made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded <br />by Yr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Conuission approved a contract with Community <br />Development related to Redevelopment <br />Administration Activity (CD84 -601). <br />k. Cormission approval requested for a contract <br />witl Comiunity Development related to Max's <br />Grocery Rehabilitation (CD84 -608). <br />W:C <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A <br />CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT RELATED TO <br />REDEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION <br />ACTIVITY (CD83 -601) <br />THE COMMISSION APPROVED <br />A CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT RELATED TO <br />REDEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION <br />ACTIVITY (CD84 -601) <br />