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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - April 13, 1984 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />f. Continued... <br />V2 <br />Mr. Hunt explained that these two bids were <br />on finally awarded to Aardvark Construction <br />Company who has withdrawn from the Bureau of <br />Housing's list of contractors, and the <br />contracts have been re- awarded to the above <br />listed contractors. <br />Upot a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Donaldson and unanimously carried, a <br />proposal in connection with the Affordable <br />Loati Program was awarded to Jurtin <br />Con truction Company for 302 N. Walnut Street <br />in e amount of $20,700.00. <br />A PROPOSAL IN CONNECTION <br />WITH THE AFFORDABLE LOAN <br />PROGRAM WAS AWARDED TO <br />JURTIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY <br />FOR 302 N. WALNUT STREET <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,700.00 <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded A PROPOSAL IN CONNECTION <br />by Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, a WITH THE AFFORDABLE LOAN <br />proposal in connection with the Affordable PROGRAM WAS AWARDED TO <br />Loan Program was awarded to Bockaj BOCKAJ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY <br />Construction Company for 1038 Georgians in the FOR 1038 GEORGIANA IN THE <br />amount of $11,515.00. AMOUNT OF $11,515.00 <br />Cormission approval requested fora proposal <br />in connection with the Section 312 Loan <br />Pr ram in accordance with the recommendation <br />fro the Bureau of Housing. <br />Contractor <br />Ali e Lacy V.V. Engle Construction Co. <br />613 IChicacro <br />Mr. Hunt explained that this was a clean-up <br />con ract to complete a contract previously <br />aw ded to Aardvark Construction Company. <br />Upor a motion made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded <br />by Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, a <br />pro sal in connection with the Section 312 <br />Loar Program was awarded to V.V. Engle <br />Construction Company for 613 Chicago in the <br />amo t of $2,462.00. <br />h. Report on bid opening of April 2, 1984 related <br />to the L. Keen Buildinq. <br />Mr. ick Pitts explained the bids received on <br />Apri 2, 1984, for sheet metal repair, <br />ca try, cleaning, and painting related to <br />Q:fl <br />$2,462.00 <br />A PROPOSAL IN CONNECTION <br />WITH THE SECTION 312 LOAN <br />PROGRAM WAS AWARDED TO <br />V.V. ENGLE CONSTRUCTION <br />COMPANY FOR 613 CHICAGO <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,462.00 <br />