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South Bend redevelopment Comuission <br />RescheduledlRegular Meeting - December 2, 1983 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />b. Continued... <br />The motion was made by Mr. Donoho, seconded by BID - ACCEPTED AND AV!iRDED <br />Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, to accept DISPOSITION PARCEL ` #8-1 <br />the bid and award Disposition Parcel #8 -1 to TO;STUDEBAKER PLAZA <br />Studebaker Plaza Associates. ASSOCIATES ` <br />C. 94ission action on bid received on November <br />21, 1983 for Monroe Sample Disposition Parcel <br />ltll n <br />Mrs Kolata reported that we received one bid <br />on November 21, 1983 for Monroe Sample <br />Disposition Parcel #18. The minimum bid price <br />was $66,500 and the bid received was in the <br />amount of $68,350 from Crescent Realty <br />Mr. Jack Schmidt, Branch Manager from Crescent <br />Electric, presented the development plans. <br />The approximate size of the building will be <br />12,000 square feet, 10,000 feet being <br />warehouse and the remaining 2,000 feet office <br />space. The estimate of construction will be <br />approximately $500,000 with construction <br />beginning in the Spring of 1984. <br />The motion was made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded BID ACCEPTED FROM CRESCENT <br />by Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, to REALTY CORPORATION AND <br />accept the bid and award Disposition Parcel AVPM FOR DISPOSITION <br />#18 to Crescent Realty Corporation.' PARCEL #18 <br />d. Comilssion action on bid opening held on <br />Nov r 21, 1983 regarding the L. Keen <br />Building in Monroe Park. <br />Mrs Kolata explained that bids had been <br />received twice previously for repair of this <br />building but the Commission was not satisfied <br />with the bids received. Bids were received on <br />Nov r 21, 1983 for the roofing, masonry <br />restoration and structural framing. One bid <br />was received on the roofing and two bids <br />received for the masonry restoration. The <br />arc itect for the project, <br />Ma ews- Purucker Anella, Inc., has reviewed <br />the bids and has recommended to award both the <br />roo ing and masonry restoration to T.G. Podell <br />& Company. The roofing bid would be in the <br />amo t of $12,971 and the masonry restoration <br />wou d be in the amount of $14,800. <br />-4- <br />