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South Bend pedevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - November 18, 1983 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS ( font . ) <br />7. <br />d. C ssion authorization requested to enter <br />in t a sub -lease of the State Theater facade <br />wig Corporation. <br />Mrs Kolata explained that the Commission <br />previously agreed to enter into a lease with <br />the owners of the State Theater to rent the <br />fa de, the marquee and the display area. The <br />staff has nearly completed the execution of <br />that lease with the owners of the State <br />Thatter and would like to proceed to the next <br />step which is to sub -lease it to Deitch- Corson <br />Co ration for display purposes. The facade, <br />marquee and display areas will be leased for <br />one dollar on a month -to -month lease with a <br />thirty day cancellation notice by either <br />party. She said that a wall will be <br />constructed to divide off the first ten feet <br />of the building from the rest of the building <br />and that is where the City's liability will <br />end The costs involved in preparing the <br />ts lay area will be passed on to the <br />b leasee. <br />The motion was made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded <br />by Yr. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />authorizing the staff to enter into <br />neg tiations with Deitch- Corson Corporation to <br />sub lease the State Theater facade, marquee <br />and iplay area and authorizing the President <br />and ecretary to execute the lease. <br />Mrs. Kol to reported that negotiations are <br />continuing on the bids received for parcels <br />located in the East Bank and R -66 area. <br />Somethinj may be presented at the next <br />Commissi n meeting <br />Mrs. Kol to also reported that there will be <br />two bid openings on Monday, November 21, 1983. <br />One is for the bids received on L. Keen <br />Building and the other is for Parcel No. 18 in <br />the Monroe Sample Development Area. A report <br />of the b d openings will be at the next <br />Commissi n meeting on December 2, 1983. <br />2'fl <br />AUTHORIZATION GIVEN TO THE <br />STAFF TO ENTER INTO NEGO- <br />TIATIONS WITH DEITH - CORSON <br />CORPORATION TO SUB -LEASE THE <br />STATE THEATER FACADE, MARQUEE <br />AND DISPLAY AREA AND ATHORIZED <br />THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY <br />TO EXECUTE THE LEASE <br />PROGRESS REPORT ON BIDS <br />RECEIVED FOR PARCELS LOCATED <br />IN THE: EAST BANK AND R -66 <br />DEVELOPMENT AREAS <br />BIDS RECEIVED ON MONDAY <br />NOVEMBER 21, 1983'FOR.THE <br />L. KEEN BUILDING AND PARCEL <br />NO. 18 IN THE MONROE SAMPLE <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA WILL BE <br />REPORTED AT THE NEXT COMMIS- <br />SION MEETING ON DECEMBER 2, <br />1983 <br />