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South Bend ?development Con - mission <br />Regular Mee ing - October 28, 1983 <br />6. NEW BUSOMS (Cont.) <br />e. <br />for East Bank <br />Mr. Hunt explained that the intent of the <br />guidelines is to set some standards for the <br />development of the East Bank but to allow <br />fl ibility so that we can approach each <br />pro'ect individually as they come up. <br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the East <br />Bank Design Guidelines were approved. <br />f. gSn#ssion approval requested for Resolution <br />No. 692 approving an application for real <br />Mr. Hunt explained that with the change in the <br />State law and City ordinance concerning tax <br />abatement the Commission will no longer have <br />to take formal action on any petitions. The <br />Corn ion Council will take formal action on <br />these petitions after a staff report. The <br />onl time the Commission must take official <br />action is when the petition is located within <br />a t incremental finance area. In that case <br />the Redevelopment Commission is required to <br />app ove the tax abatement petition before it <br />can be approved by the Compton Council. <br />The petition presently before the Commission <br />is for Park Center property located on Parcel <br />#10 in the Monroe Sample Development Area. <br />The have met all necessary requirements. <br />Also, the staff report noted that the property <br />is orated in a tax abatement impact area. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, <br />Resolution No. 692 approving an application <br />for real property tax deduction was adopted. <br />g. Ccmiission action on bid opening held on <br />October 17, 1983 regarding the L. Keen <br />Building in Monroe Park. <br />EAST BANK DESIGN GUIDELINES <br />WERE APPROVED <br />RESOLUTION NO. 692 APPROVING <br />AN APPLICATION FOR REAL <br />PROPERTY TAX DEDUCTION WAS <br />ADOPTED <br />