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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />7. <br />development Commission <br />ng - October 14, 1983 <br />REPORTS (Cont.) <br />the Sta e of Indiana Department of Commerce. <br />The Urbm Enterprise Association, an advisory <br />board w o will serve in a formal capacity to <br />repres t the Urban Enterprise Zone, met <br />earlier this week. Our application will be <br />competi g against applications from other <br />cities r our size. <br />Secondly, Mr. Hunt reported that Studebaker <br />Plaza, inc., whose bid was received for Parcel <br />8 -1 in the Central Downtown Urban Renewal <br />Area, i continuing negotiations with a "second <br />party on their project. He stated that our <br />staff is waiting until they have their private <br />package together before continuing with our <br />neaotia ions. <br />Thirdly Mr. Hunt stated that the staff will <br />be meeting with Mr. Joseph Donlon relating to <br />Parcels 3 -4 and part of 3 -3 in the East Bank <br />Developnent Area. He said that the staff will <br />be meeting to do sane additional review of <br />informer ion that was requested of Mr. Donlon <br />and tha the staff will be ready for a <br />rec dation to the Commission within a <br />month. <br />Lastly, Mr. Hunt reported that the staff is <br />still w3.iting word on the SBA 503 <br />Certification Program for the Business <br />Developnent Corporation. <br />8. NEXT CO�MIISSION MEETING <br />VP <br />The ne regularly scheduled meeting will be <br />held on Friday, October 28, 1983 at 10:00 <br />a.m. <br />There baing no further business to cane before <br />the Co ssion, Mr. Donaldson made a motion <br />that tha meeting be adjourned. Mr. Piasecki <br />seconded the motion and it was unanimously <br />carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 <br />a.m. <br />-7- <br />PROGRESS REPORT ON THE <br />APPLICATION FOR THE URBAN <br />ENTERPRISE ZONE WITH THE <br />STATE OF INDIANA DEPARTMENT <br />OF COMMERCE <br />INDIAN, W, 11=11 �• • <br />.. - i� � - . <br />•.• i n <br />PROGRESS REPORT ON JOSEPH <br />DONLON'S PROJECT RELATING <br />TO PARCELS 3 -4 AND PART OF <br />3 -3 IN THE EAST BANK DEVEL- <br />OPMENT AREA <br />PROGRESS REPORT ON SBA 503 <br />CERTIFICATION PROGRAM FOR <br />THE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT <br />CORPORATION <br />NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />•_o • i i. <br />MEN AA l <br />I-Wiffira <br />Director <br />