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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - October 14, 1983 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. c:onitinuea... <br />Ro rt & Zora Littler Edward J. White, Inc. $ 466 <br />530 E. Haney <br />Ode sa Brown Bockaj Construction Company $ 899 <br />230 N. Sadie <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />PROPOSALS AND GRANTS IN <br />Mr. <br />Piasecki and unanimously carried, <br />CONNECTION WITH THE EMERGENCY <br />proposals <br />and grants in connection with the <br />REPAIR PROGRAM WERE APPROVED <br />Eme <br />gency Repair Program were approved for <br />FOR MARGIE POINTER, 520 <br />Mar <br />ie Pointer, 520 Euclid, in the amount of <br />EUCLID; JUDITH GISZEWSKI -RUFF, <br />$96 <br />; Judith Giszewski -Ruff, 2120 S. Oliver, <br />2120 S. OLIVER; HELEN PERSON, <br />in <br />e amount of $497; Helen Person, 1814 <br />1814 LONGLEY; HELEN PERSON, <br />Lon <br />ley, in the amount of $209; Helen Person, <br />1814 LONGLEY; EDRITH REDD, <br />1814 <br />Longley, in the amount of $1,185; Edrith <br />121 SPRUCE; ROBERT AND ZORA <br />Red 4l, <br />121 Spruce, in the amount of $267 -; <br />LITTLER, 530 E. HANEY; AND <br />Ro <br />rt and Zora Littler, 530 E. Haney, in the <br />ODESSA BROWN, 230 N. SADIE <br />amoont <br />of $466; and Odessa Brown, 230 N. <br />WERE APPROVED <br />Sadie, in the amount of $899. <br />b. 12ou ssion approval requested for the <br />owing proposal in connection with the <br />Bend Hom e Improvement Loan Program in <br />accordance with the recommendation from the <br />Bur au of Housing. <br />Name Contractor Bid <br />Jud th Adams Jurtin Construction Co. $ 245 <br />384 Eastmont <br />Mr. Hunt explained that this was a clean-up <br />contract for work done by Boocher Construction <br />y who has not completed the repairs on <br />the original contract within the one year <br />deadline. Jurtin Construction was the low bid <br />to finish the work not completed by Boocher <br />Construction. A portion of the $245 contract <br />with Jurtin`s will be taken out of the 1% <br />retainage fee that is being held back from <br />Boocher Construction and the other portion <br />wilt be paid out of Bureau of Housing funds. <br />Upoil a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded PROPOSAL IN CONNECTION WITH <br />by Mr. Donaldson and unanimously carried, the THE SOUTH BEND HOME IMPROVE- <br />proposal in connection with the South Bend MENT LOAN PROGRAM WAS <br />Home Improvement Loan Program for Judith AL\MRDED TO JURTIN CONSTRUCTION <br />Adams, 3841 Eastmont, in the amount of $245 IN THE AMOUNT OF $245 <br />was approved. <br />-4- <br />