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South Bend l <br />Regular Me& <br />5. PUBLIC I <br />a. Conl <br />East <br />we ( <br />app( <br />two <br />oth( <br />des_ <br />tioi <br />be 1 <br />Mr. <br />the <br />elopment Commission <br />- August 12, 1983 <br />(Cont.) <br />Bank Development Area. She stated that <br />:pect to make the same change by <br />.nting two individuals from Monroe Sample, <br />:ran the downtown area and two from any <br />redevelopment area that would have a <br />fn review committee. They would all func- <br />as one committee but there would never <br />)re than seven people voting on an issue. <br />opened the hearing to questions of <br />sioners. <br />Mr. Piasecki asked if the existing property <br />own rs were notified of our intent to <br />ac ire. <br />Ms. Kolata stated that they they were notified <br />that we intended to acquire their property and <br />thel, have been given the opportunity to be <br />present when the appraisals were done. <br />Mr. Nimtz opened the hearing for any written <br />or oral remonstrances to be heard by the <br />Cormission. There were no remonstrances <br />heard. <br />Mr. Nimtz stated that the Public Hearing was <br />con luded for whatever action the Commission <br />des'res to take. <br />The motion was made by Ms. Auburn to adopt the <br />Finding of Fact that was presented by the <br />staff to the Commission and place than on <br />record. The motion was seconded by Mr. <br />Pia ecki and unanimously carried. <br />Upo a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried <br />Res lution No. 684 was adopted. <br />There was no old business. <br />0 <br />FINDING OF FACT REGARDING <br />THE EAST BANK DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA WERE ADOPTED AND PLACED <br />ON RECORD <br />COMMISSION ADOPTED RESOLUTION <br />NO. 684 RATIFYING AND CONFIRM- <br />ING RESOLUTION NO. 681 RELATED <br />TO THE EAST BANK DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA <br />THERE WAS NO OLD BUSINESS <br />