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South Bend Pedevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - February 25, 1983 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) <br />c. c;onitinuea... <br />Ms. Richmond stated that they did an $11,000 <br />grant which was completed and they are also at <br />abo t 80% completion of the loan contract that <br />was previously approved. We have had no follow - <br />up problems on the grant contract; we do go back <br />to monitoring them so that they are completed. <br />There was no call back on that; she didn't think <br />tha they have reached the expiration date. <br />Ms. Auburn explained that she had somewhat the <br />same concern that Mr. Piasecki has that if we <br />are going to do it that it be done well and be- <br />cause of the spread on this one, the cheapest <br />is not always best. <br />Mr. Piasecki asked about workman's comp and in- <br />sur ce that these people take out. Is this <br />fil with you once, or are they showing you <br />pr f of this on that new job. That's important. <br />Ms. Holston stated that a copy of the insurance <br />is with the application and both are updated <br />annually. <br />Mr. Robinson stated that again it's an erosion <br />of the statute, simply because he is the sole <br />proprietor he doesn't plan workman's comp on <br />h' elf, so it's an erosion and a lot of big <br />fat loopholes and it makes him irritated. He <br />would question the quality of work when you <br />get it as a one man job and how to complete <br />thi gs on time. He assumes that there has ,got <br />to be some corners cut because he knows that <br />there are special things out there that you <br />have to have help on, and he thinks these <br />people have got it bad enough in life without <br />having a law eroded like it's being done. He <br />stated that he certainly won't vote in favor <br />of it. <br />Mr. Nimtz asked if there were any other ques- <br />tions. He stated he will act on these indi- <br />vidually. He asked what the pleasure of the <br />CcnmLission was on Nannie Smith concerning this <br />Mr. Zbinson made a motion for rejection. Mr. <br />Pia ecki seconded the motion. <br />aC <br />MOTION WAS MADE TO REJECT <br />THE BID FOR NANNIE SMITH, <br />1137 W. JEFFERSON, BY REESE <br />AND SONS FOR $10,841.50 <br />