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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 25, 1983 <br />6. NEW BUS$NESS (Continued) <br />c. c:ontinuea... <br />liberty of asking Janet Holston who the <br />electrical contractor was that Reese and <br />Sons was using. He realized that it's not <br />anybody's fault, but there is a loophole <br />in the federal statute whereby the indivi- <br />dual sole proprietor can charge anything he <br />wants. In this case the electrical contrac- <br />tor that they are using is more or less a <br />one man operation and there is no way a legi- <br />tiimite electrical contractor, who has employees <br />and they go out and do the work, can compete <br />with this type of an individual. He can put <br />anything on paper, he can meet any require- <br />ment necessary about area wage scales. He just <br />turns right around and takes money off the top <br />and puts money back into the business and he <br />has a big paper shuffle, and Mr. Robinson <br />sta ed that he was strictly against it. <br />Mr. Hunt explained that Mr. Robinson is cor- <br />rect. in what he is saying, there is a loop- <br />hole. A sub- contractor, as an individual <br />not employing anybody, can in fact do that. <br />If 1he individual would employ somebody we <br />would require them to pay prevailing wages <br />for the person they employ but there really <br />isn't anything we can do in the sense of a <br />one person operation. I think that the only <br />thirig that we can do is have Bureau of Housing <br />ins ors make sure the work is done properly. <br />Ms. Holston stated that on this particular <br />con act the difference in the bid did have <br />quite a wide range. The difference was again <br />the roof, the siding and those types of things. <br />We saw a lot of difference. Reese was the low <br />Ms.lAuburn asked if we have had experience with <br />Ree e and Sons_and what kinds of experience. <br />Ms. Richmond stated that this would be Reese <br />and Sons' third contract. <br />Ms.lAuburn asked what kind of work they have <br />don on the other two contracts. <br />:t:- <br />