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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee �edevelopment <br />ing — September 10, 1982 <br />6. NEW BUS NESS (Continued) <br />i. Act'on by the Commission on bids received for <br />Mon oe Sample Disposition Parcel No. 14. <br />Mrs. Kolata reported that the staff was recom- <br />men ing the sale of Parcel No. 14 to Christman <br />Con truction Company for $2,676.00 which was the <br />higi bid for the parcel. <br />Upoi a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded by MONROE SAMPLE DISPOSITION <br />Mr. Donaldson and unanimously carried, Parcel No. PARCEL #14 WAS AWARDED TO <br />14 in the Monroe- Sample Development Area was CHRISTMAN CONSTRUCTION <br />awa ded to Christman Construction Company and the COMPANY <br />Pre ident and Secretary were authorized to execute <br />all necessary documents. <br />j. Commission approval requested for renewal to. rent <br />Cit -owned real estate within the Indiana R -66 <br />are to Center City Associates, Inc., for the ur- <br />pos of providing two hour free parking to down- <br />towh shoDDers. <br />Mrs Kolata explained this is a continuation of a <br />ren al agreement entered into on August 1st. The <br />ren al agreement would extend until December 31, <br />1981 and the total payment will be $4.00. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded by RENTAL AGREEMENT WITH CENTER <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the rental CITY ASSOCIATES WAS APPROVED <br />agreement with Center City Associates was approved <br />and the President and Secretary were authorized to <br />execute the agreement. <br />k. Commission approval requested for awarding of pro- <br />os is in connection with the Homestead and South <br />Bend Home Improvement Loan Program in accordance <br />wit i the recommendation from the Bureau of Housin . <br />Name Contractor Amount <br />James C awford Howell Electric Co. $ 335.00 <br />108 S. eade <br />Oscar T t1linois awick Boocher Constr. Co. $4,058.86 <br />261 N. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded by PROPOSALS AWARDED TO BOOCHER <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the contract CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND <br />with Howell Electric Company for 108 S. Meade in HOWELL ELECTRIC COMPANY IN <br />the amount of $335.00 and the contract with Boocher CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTH <br />Construction Company for 261 N. Illinois in the BEND HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN <br />amo nt of $4,058.86 were approved. AND HOMESTEAD PROGRAMS <br />