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South Bi <br />Regular <br />6. NEW <br />c. <br />2 <br />f. <br />end <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />Meeting <br />- June 25, 1982 <br />BUSINESS <br />(Continued) <br />.... <br />Continued <br />tion <br />Company in connection with the South <br />Bend <br />Home Improvement Loan Program and in <br />accordance <br />with the recommendation of the <br />Bureau <br />of Housing. <br />Baumgartner noted that there was a staff <br />Ms. <br />error <br />on the inspection of the property and <br />additional <br />code related problems need to be <br />addressed. <br />Upop <br />a motion made by Mr. Robinson, seconded <br />by <br />Ms. Auburn and carried unanimously the con- <br />tract <br />to Boocher Construction Company in the <br />amount <br />of $3,695 was rescinded and the contract <br />to <br />Boocher Construction Company in the amount <br />of <br />5,521 was awarded both being for the house <br />at 13841 <br />Eastmont. <br />Commission <br />approval requested for a Section 312 <br />Loai <br />in the amount of $6,400 to Hazel Viehe, <br />215 <br />E. Haney, in accordance with the recommen- <br />dation <br />of the Bureau of Housing. <br />Baumgartner noted that the State of Indiana <br />Ms. <br />has <br />received $270,000 in Section 312 and the Cit, <br />is <br />3oing to compete for its fair share. This <br />particular <br />loan. is at 11 %. <br />Upoi <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. <br />Piasecki and carried unanimously the 312 <br />Loan <br />to Hazel Viehe at 215 E. Haney was approved <br />Commission <br />approval requested for awarding a <br />contract <br />in the amount of $5,817 to Boocher Con- <br />struction <br />Company for Hazel Viehe, 215 E Haney, <br />in <br />connnection with the 312 Loan Program and in <br />accordance <br />with the recommendation of the Bureau <br />of <br />Mousing. <br />a motion made by Mr. Robinson, seconded by <br />Upon <br />Ms. <br />Auburn and unanimously carried, the contract <br />was <br />approved. <br />Commission <br />approval requested for awarding con- <br />tracts <br />in connection with the South Bend Improveā€¢ <br />ment <br />Loan Program and in accordance with the <br />recommendation <br />of the Bureau of Housing. <br />-5- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A SECTION <br />312 LOAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,400 <br />TO HAZEL VIEHE, 215 E. HANEY <br />COMMISSION AWARDED A CONTRACT <br />TO BOOCHER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,817 FOR <br />HAZEL VIEHE, 215 E. HANEY <br />COMMISSION AWARDED CONTRACTS <br />TO PLAIA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,477 FOR <br />LOIS HARPER, 703 N. JOHNSON, <br />