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Sou <br />Rego <br />5. <br />th Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />filar Me <br />ting - June 25, 1982 <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />(Continued) <br />c. Continued.... <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded <br />by <br />Ir. Robinson and unanimously carried , the <br />bid <br />for Parcel #13 from Curtis Products was <br />accepted <br />and awarded and the President and <br />Sec <br />etary were authorized to sign any neces- <br />sar <br />( documents to complete the transaction. <br />NEW BUS <br />NESS <br />approval requested for Homesteading <br />a. Commission <br />Agreements <br />with the following individuals; <br />Name <br />Address <br />Howard 17. <br />& Jewel D. Levy 3810 W. Ford <br />Andrew A. <br />& Kim S. Pyfer 1050 N. Johnson <br />James H <br />Crawford, Jr. 108 S. Meade <br />Dennis G. <br />& Angela E. Radican 818 W. Indiana <br />Natalie <br />Brown 114 E. Dayton <br />Harry & <br />Dorothy Ann Bacon III 1246 E. Bissell <br />David & <br />Teresa Lynam 1015 N. College <br />Hartin <br />Alice Oltman 632 N. Sherman <br />)enise F. <br />Fleming 1338 E. Sorin <br /><athy .D. <br />Simpson 404 E. Indiana <br />Upor <br />a motion made by Mr. Robinson, seconded by <br />Mr. <br />Piasecki and unanimously carried, the Home- <br />steading <br />Agreements were approved. <br />�. Commission <br />approval requested for awarding a con- <br />tra <br />t to C.E. Lee Company, Inc., in,- connection <br />with <br />the f-lonroe -Sample Paint Program and the <br />Neig <br />borhood Paint-Up Program in an amount not <br />to e <br />ceed 38,000, subject to Common Council con - <br />curr <br />nce. <br />Psis. <br />3au.mgartner noted that the bid is for paint <br />and <br />technical assistance. C.E. Lee will inspect <br />ever ' <br />property to determine the proper type of <br />pain <br />and painting procedure. <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Mrs. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. <br />Piasecki and unanimously carried the con- <br />tract <br />with C.E. Lee was approved. <br />Commission <br />approval requested to rescind a con- <br />tract <br />away ed to Boocher Construction Company in <br />April <br />23 1982 in the amount of $3,695 for the <br />house <br />located at 3841 Eastmont and to award a con- <br />Tr—act <br />in the amount of $5,521 to Boocher Construc- <br />-4- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED CERTAIN <br />HOMESTEADING AGREEMENTS <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A CONTRACT <br />WITH C.E. LEE COMPANY, INC., IN <br />THE AMOUNT OF $38,000 FOR THE <br />MONROE - SAMPLE PAINT -UP PROGRAM <br />AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD PAINT -UP <br />PROGRAM <br />COMMISSION RESCINDED A CONTRACT <br />FOR BOOCHER CONSTRUCTION IN THE <br />AMOUNT OF $3,695 AND AWARDED A <br />CONTRACT TO BOOCHER CONSTRUCTION <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,521 BOTH FOR <br />THE HOUSE AT 3841 EASTMONT <br />