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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee �edevelopment <br />ing March 12, 1932 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />e. Commission approval requested to enter into a lease <br />witi Albert Meilstrup 260:00 per month, on <br />Par els 14-21,114-22 and 14 -23 in the Nonroe- Sample <br />f. <br />R <br />ent Area. <br />Mr. McMahon explained that this is a proposed lease <br />agr ement with Mr. Meilstrup for a piece of property <br />that we purchased from him. He currently operates <br />a t uck service maintenance area in the building. <br />The rent is based on one per cent of the money that <br />we actually deposited in court because we acquired <br />this building through condemnation. It is a two- <br />month lease, he has agreed that he will vacate the <br />premises by the end of April. He is still looking <br />for a new location. <br />Upoi a motion made by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Ms. <br />Aub rn and unanimously carried, the lease with <br />Alb rt Meilstrup in the amount of $260.00 per <br />month was approved. <br />ission approval requested to enter into a lease <br />witii Burkhart Advertising, Inc., for 33.33 per <br />month, on Parcel 2 -11 in the East Bank Developme nt <br />Area. <br />COPIMISSION APPROVED <br />LEASE WITH ALBERT <br />P•1EILSTRUP FOR <br />Mr. McMahon stated that this is a lease with Burk - <br />har Advertising for $33.33 per month to have a <br />bil board on a piece of property that was acquired. <br />The property has been acquired through condemnation, <br />it is to Batteast Construction Company, <br />and the lease amount of $33.33 a month is exactly <br />wha they were paying previously. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Hs. <br />Auburn and unanimously carried, the lease with <br />Burkhart Advertising, Inc. in the amount of $33.33 <br />per month was approved. <br />ission approval requested for Resolution No. <br />approving tne Tair mare re -use value o and <br />- 3arnpie ueveiopmenz Hrea. <br />E <br />PARCELS <br />14 -21, 14 -22 AND 14 -23 <br />IN THE MONROE- SAMPLE DE- <br />VELOPMENT AREA <br />COMMISSION APPROVED <br />LEASE WITH BURKHART AD- <br />VERTISING, INC. FOR <br />PARCEL 2 -11 IN THE EAST <br />BANK DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA <br />