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South Bend Commiss ion <br />Regular Mee �edevelopment <br />ing - March 12, 1982 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />g. continued... <br />Mr. McMahon explained that Resolution No. 656 approves <br />the fair re -use value of Disposition Parcel 15 in the <br />Mon oe- Sample area. <br />Upo a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by.Mr. RESOLUTION NO. 656 WAS <br />Nim z and carried, Resolution No. 656 was approved. APPROVED <br />Mr. Robinson voted against the resolution. <br />h. Commission authorization requested to <br />of Intended Sale of Disposition Parce <br />Mon oe -Sam le Development Area, with <br />to e March 19 and 26, 1982, and rece <br />at 0:00 a.m, on April 6, 1982. <br />ublish Notice <br />No. 15 in the <br />blication dat <br />t of bids to <br />Mr. McMahon stated that this item authorizes legal <br />pub ication offering Disposition Parcel 15 for sale. <br />Ms. Auburn stated that she has asked the Redevelop- <br />ment staff to put together some information concern- <br />ing wage requirements, wage rates, and how this had <br />beei handled in the past. <br />Mr. McMahon explained that when the Department pays <br />for construction or demolition we require that current <br />waga rates be paid on the project. There is no HUD re- <br />qui ement that prevailing wage rates be paid by the <br />dev topers of property we sell, and Mr. Robinson has <br />ask ad the Commission to consider adopting a local <br />policy requiring all developers to pay area wage <br />rat as when we sell them land. Because this would <br />aff ct the requirements in the bid packet, perhaps <br />we 3hould change the advertising dates for Parcel 15 <br />until this issue is resolved. <br />Mr.�Nimtz directed that this item be tabled and placed <br />on he agenda for the next meeting. <br />i. Setlfirst meeting date in April <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that the first regular meeting <br />dat2 in April would be Good Friday, a day on which <br />Cit offices will be closed. After discussion, the <br />April meeting dates were set for April 12 and 23. <br />1.0 <br />MEETING DATES IN APRIL <br />SET FOR THE 12TH AND <br />23RD. <br />