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South Bend (Redevelopment Commission <br />Reschedule Regular Meeting - September 25, 1981 <br />3. APPROVAL OF CLAIMS (continued) <br />P.E.A. - 312 LOANS <br />Roy Gallaway & Terrance and Tracy Finney $ 140.00 <br />SPR Bathtub Refinishing & L. and D. Dwyer 250.00 <br />TOTAL <br />GRAND TOTAL <br />$ 390.00 <br />$124,188.09 <br />On a motion by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Donaldson <br />and unanimously carried, the claims signed prior to the <br />meeting and denoted with an asterisk ( *) were ratified <br />and confirmed. <br />Mr. Nim z did not approve the claim for Historic Land- <br />marks F undation of Indiana since he is a member of <br />their 6 ard. The claim is denoted with a double <br />asteris ( * *). <br />4. COMMUNMATIONS <br />There were no communications to be presented to the <br />Commisshon. <br />5. OLD BUSIINESS <br />a. <br />m fission approval requested to award Grant Pr <br />d to Charles Brown Maintenance Co :, Ihc. for <br />u h Bendix Drive. <br />ram <br />Katy Baumgartner explained that the Commission <br />awarded this bid to R. A. Stickler in January on <br />the basis that he was 20% under the estimate. To <br />dat Mr. Stickler has refused to begin the job <br />evei after receiving a 48 -hour notice. Therefore, <br />I Zld recommend that the bid be awarded to Charles <br />Br Maintenance Co., Inc. <br />Mr. McMahon asked if R. A. Stickler had posted any <br />typ of security bond. Mrs. Baumgartner confirmed <br />tha he had and that he would be forfeiting the <br />sec rity and would not be allowed to bid on future <br />con racts. <br />Mr. Robinson stated that this was the first time <br />the Commission had awarded a contract to a contractor <br />who ;e bid was more than 20% under the Bureau of <br />Hou ing cost estimate. <br />4 <br />THERE WERE NO COMMUNICATIONS <br />TO PRESENT TO THE COMMISSION <br />