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South Bend redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - November 24, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNI4ATIONS (Continued) <br />a. continued... <br />Mr. Nimtz announced that receipt and opening of demolition bids <br />for the Odd Fellows Building would be placed on the Agenda <br />December 4th. In the mean time arrangements would be made for <br />a joint meeting of Councilman Voorde's Committee and the Redeve- <br />lop.ent Commission and Staff. <br />6. OLD BUSINESS <br />a. ThelCommission had no old business to present <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Recognition of Redevelopment Trustees <br />Mayor Parent stated that there have been some changes in the <br />State Law in the manner in which the Redevelopment Commissioners <br />wou d be appointed. The law has eliminated the Redevelopment <br />Trustees. In the future the Commissioners will be appointed <br />by loth myself as Mayor and the Council. I am going to be ap- <br />poi ting 3 persons and the City Council will be appointing 2 <br />per ons. So the Commissioners will now be appointed directly, <br />but in recognition of the good work that the Redevelopment <br />Tru tess have done in selecting Redvelopment Commissioners over <br />the years, I want this morning to present you with a plaque to <br />recognize that effort and good judgement on your part. Mayor <br />Parent presented plaques to Dr. Fromm who is the present Chair- <br />man of the Redevelopment Trustees, Mr. Welsheimer, Mr. Kelly, <br />Mr. Morrison, and Mr. Weinzetl. I am going to miss you as I <br />hav always depended on you for the selecting of the Commis - <br />sio ers. So I thank you very much. <br />b. Bidi for Disposition Parcels 2 and 3 in the Monroe- Sample <br />c. <br />Area <br />Mr. McMahon explained that these parcels are located directly <br />behind the Color -Tile Building on George Street in the Monroe - <br />Sam le Area. We received bids last Friday and opened them with <br />our Attorney and have held them over for this meeting in order <br />to report to you that those bids were received. Kevin Butler <br />has reviewed them briefly at that time and will be reviewing <br />them with us between now and the next Commission Meeting. We <br />wil be back with the Commission at the next Commission Meeting <br />and hope to take action at that time. <br />Com ission approval requested for the following Section 312 Loan <br />Pro ram proposal in accordance with recommendation of the Bureau <br />of ftusina. <br />Mr. McMahon the next item on the Agenda is the request for the <br />app oval of a Section 312 Loan, its for 1211 E. Madison Street, <br />Ale anian Brothers is the contractor in the amount of $650.00. <br />That is the only 312 Loan we have this morning before us. On a <br />7 <br />NO OLD BUSINESS <br />RECOGNITION OF <br />REDEVELOPMENT <br />TRUSTEES <br />BIDS RECEIVED <br />FOR DISPOSITION <br />PARCELS #2 & #3 <br />IN THE MONROE <br />SAMPLE DEVELOP- <br />MENT AREA <br />SECTION 312 LOAN <br />PROPOSAL APPROV- <br />ED FOR 1211 E. <br />MADISON STREET <br />