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Sout <br />Regu <br />4. <br />5. <br />h Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />lar Meeting <br />- April 3, 1981 <br />COMMUNI <br />ATIONS (continued) <br />z directed the staff to prepare a reply to Mrs. <br />Mr. Nim <br />McAllister. <br />OLD BUSINESS <br />no old business to present to the Commission. <br />There was <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />ission approval requested for Change Order No. 1, <br />a. Com <br />with <br />Charles Brown Maintenance Co., Inc., for an in- <br />crease <br />in contract price of $215.00, for an amended <br />contract <br />total of 10,655.00, at the address of 1817 <br />South <br />Carroll Street, as set forth in a letter from <br />Mrs. <br />Kathryn Baumgartner, Director, Bureau of Housing, <br />Mr. <br />McMahon explained that the Change Order is re- <br />quested <br />to replace some floor boards and column <br />plates <br />on a porch that were not identified as need- <br />ing <br />repair until the contractor started scraping the <br />porch <br />floorboards. <br />Mr. <br />Robinson made a motion to approve Change Order <br />No. <br />l with Charles Brown Maintenance Co., Inc., for <br />an <br />increase in contract price of $215.00. The motion <br />was <br />seconded by Mr. Donaldson and unanimously carried <br />b. Commission <br />approval requested for Chan e Order No. 1, <br />with <br />Ray Bockaj, for an increase in contract price of <br />1,700.00, <br />for an amended contract total of $53,760.00 <br />at <br />the address of 1107 North Duey Street, as set fort) <br />in <br />a letter from Mrs. Kathryn Baumgartner, Director, <br />Bureau <br />of Housing. <br />Mrs. <br />Baumgartner explained that a Change Order was <br />necessary <br />to install a furnace at the above location <br />because <br />the inspector had not included a furnace in <br />the <br />original specifications. <br />Mr. <br />Robinson made a motion to approve Change Order <br />No. <br />1 with Ray Bockaj for an increase in contract <br />price <br />of $1,700.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. <br />Donaldson <br />and unanimously carried. <br />4 <br />NO OLD BUSINESS PRESENTED <br />TO THE COMMISSION <br />COMMISSION APPROVED CHANGE <br />ORDER NO. 1 FOR CHARLES <br />BROWN MAINTENANCE CO.,INC., <br />FOR $215.00 INCREASE IN <br />CONTRACT PRICE FOR 1817 <br />SOUTH CARROLL STREET <br />COMMISSION APPROVED CHANGE <br />ORDER NO. 1 FOR RAY BOCKAJ <br />FOR $1,700.00 INCREASE IN <br />CONTRACT PRICE FOR 1107 <br />NORTH DUEY STREET <br />