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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - April 3, 1981 <br />3. APPROVA� OF CLAIMS (continued) <br />P.E.A. 1 312 LOANS <br />Total <br />Grand Total <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />$ 316.67 <br />$ 316.67 <br />$66,170.13 <br />Mr. Nim�z presented the following letter from Mrs. W. <br />L. iIcAl h i suer. <br />1604 Southeast Drive <br />South Bend, IN 46614 <br />March 30, 1981 <br />Dear Mrs. Nimtz, <br />Now that Redevelopment has the right to acquire and <br /> certain properties in the Monroe - Sample area, <br />I am ho ' ing you will consider my property (rental) <br />which i in that neighborhood. <br />I own a house on the corner of South and Columbia (329 <br />E. South and 543 Columbia). This building consists of <br />3 rental apartments, and is "catty" corner from Max's <br />Grocery. I understand the owners of the grocery asked <br />to be placed on your demolition list. <br />I, too,lwould like to be on that list. <br />I am dero initely a senior citizen, who is not driving. <br />I have family only a niece living in Chicago. <br />This is an old house and in constant need of repairs, <br />for whi h I must hire union help. All the expenses <br />have be ome so exorbitant that it has become a real <br />burden and worry. I sometimes consider emptying it <br />and boarding it up. <br />My attorney, Mr. Hahn, says just to be patient - -that <br />possibly something will happen, but considering my <br />age and health, I feel patience is no virtue in this <br />instance. <br />I sincerely hope that you and HUD will consider my <br />request) for this acquisition and demolition. <br />LETTER FROM MRS. W. L. <br />(DOROTHY) McALLISTER TO <br />MR. F. JAY NIMTZ WAS RE- <br />CEIVED AND PLACED ON FILE <br />(RE: MONROE- SAMPLE DE- <br />VELOPMENT AREA) <br />Yours truly, <br />S/ <br />(Mrs. W. L.) Dorothy McAllister <br />3 <br />