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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting — February 6, 1981 <br />4. COMMUNIICATIONS <br />There ere no communications to present to the <br />Commission. <br />5. OLD BUSIINESS <br />Mr. McMahon: We have two items, the first pertains to <br />the Resolution which was adopted last Monday with respect <br />to Monroe-Sample. Inadvertently we have four (4) parcels <br />that were not listed with the initial Resolution, and <br />after discussing this with Mr. Butler I believe we have <br />a motion that could be made today that would amend that <br />Resolution. Is there a particular wording, Mr. Butler? <br />Mr. Butler: Basically the motion will be to recall for <br />reconsi eration Resolution No. 633. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Do I hear a motion that we recall for recon- <br />siderat'on Resolution No. 633? <br />Mr. Robinson made a motion to recall for reconsideration <br />Resolution No. 633. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cira <br />and una imously carried. <br />Mr. Butler: The next motion would be to amend the De- <br />velopment Plan and the acquisition map to include the <br />parcels identified on Page 13, parcels 8 -6, 8 -7, 8 -8, <br />and 8-13. <br />Mrs. Ko ata: What happened is that we put them in the <br />"not to be acquired" list and they should have been in <br />the "to be acquired" list. <br />Mr. But' <br />readopt <br />ler: I think we can combine in that motion the <br />ion of Resolution No. 633 as amended. <br />Mr. Nimjtz: Do I hear such a motion? <br />Mr. Robinson made a motion to amend the Development <br />Plan and the acquisition map to include Parcels 8 -6, <br />8 -7, 8-8, and 8 -13, and for the readoption of Resolu- <br />tion No 633 as amended. The motion was seconded by <br />Mr. Cira and unanimously carried. <br />Mr. McM hon: Next under old business I would like to <br />request permission of the Commission to terminate an <br />agreeme t which we have previously had in place with <br />M <br />THERE WERE NO COMMUNICA- <br />TIONS TO PRESENT TO THE <br />COMMISSION. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 633, RE- <br />GARDING MONROE- SAMPLE <br />PROJECT WAS RECALLED FOR <br />RECONSIDERATION <br />DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND <br />ACQUISITION MAP FOR <br />MONROE- SAMPLE PROJECT <br />AMENDED, AND RESOLUTION <br />NO. 633, AS AMENDED, <br />READOPTED <br />