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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing -- February 6, 1981 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (continued) <br />Mr. Nim z: That is the difference in these old houses. <br />You can t get furniture up and down the stairs becuase <br />you hav a hand rail. <br />Mr. Robinson: If they get in a problem where there is <br />a perso al injury with a guest in their house, they've <br />got a h ck of a problem if there is not a hand rail. <br />Mr. Cir : You better believe-it. <br />Mr. Donaldson: You even need hand rails going to the <br />basement. <br />Mr. McMahon: Any stairway with more than three steps <br />usually has a hand rail. <br />Mr. Nim z: Now, about the screens. I have had people <br />who eit er have air conditioners or they have a storage <br />room anJ they say, "I don't want screens on that room <br />because we never use it and the windows are never opened." <br />Mr. McMahon: According to this recommendation from HUD, <br />it requires screens to be on all of them, the exception <br />being s ggested by the Bureau of Housing would be porches <br />and storage areas. <br />Mr. Nim z: What if someone uses a bedroom as a storage <br />area, t en what do you do? <br />Mrs. Ba mgartner: I think if it is designed for a live- <br />able space we would put the screens up. <br />Mr. Nim z: You would? Even though the room is a storage <br />room? <br />Mrs. Ba mgartner: Yes. <br />Pair. Cir : Why use lead base paint, period? <br />Mr. McM hon: That is what the prohibited part of it is. <br />The loc 1 code allows lead base paint in certain areas. <br />In Section 8 HUD Regulations it is restricted completely. <br />Mr. Robinson: Just one further comment as far as the <br />recommendation about changing panels that have fuses <br />in it and not circuit breakers. My personal opinion <br />is that I would rather have the fuses. I have never seen <br />a fuse sit there when it was overloaded and melt the <br />panel d wn, but I have seen a circuit breaker melt. To <br />me, the should have fuses. <br />12 <br />