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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee �edevelopment <br />ing - February 6, 1981 <br />7. PROGRES� REPORTS (continued) <br />Mr. McMahon: The next item states that the attic should <br />be insulated to a rating of R -30 with acceptable insula- <br />tion ma erial,which is more than the local code calls <br />for. <br />The last item, dealing with smoke detectors, is recommended <br />not to e followed. It states that each dwelling should <br />have sm ke detectors, and the most reliable type of smoke <br />detecto is a combination of electrical and battery opera- <br />ted. I think anyone who has bought a smoke detector <br />realize that the battery- operated one is probably a <br />$25- $30:item. The electric smoke detector that is re- <br />quired ias to be put on a circuit, and I think with <br />another battery back -up, and is a great deal more ex- <br />pensive It is better than $100, I believe. <br />Mrs. Baumgartner: Yes. We have gotten estimates and <br />they are a lot more expensive. We also have a recommenda- <br />tion from HUD that they felt this was written in as a <br />protection, but they will not necessarily require it. <br />Mr. McMahon: The Bureau of Housing is basically asking <br />that we establish a policy with respect to these items <br />that are again over and above the basic code, and for <br />the most part are requesting that they be adopted with <br />a few exceptions - the windows on porches, the service <br />that is already 100 -amp., and the electric smoke detec- <br />tor. I it would please the Commission, I believe it <br />would b proper to add this to the agenda and then take <br />action n it. <br />Mr. Nim z: Kevin, do we have a motion that this be <br />added t the agenda or can we just go ahead and consider <br />it. <br />Mr. But er: We can go ahead and consider it. It does <br />not hav to be on the agenda. <br />Mr. Nim z: The Chair directs that this be considered as <br />an item on the agenda, unless there is some objection. <br />Hearing none, it is placed on the agenda. <br />Mr. Robinson, you are the expert on this thing. I have <br />had two loans where VA or FHA required these hand rails, <br />and the buyers say they don't want hand rails. <br />Mr. Ciro: Most houses have hand rails. <br />11 <br />