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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular eting May 16, 1980 <br />ME "a <br />b. W. Ellison continues... <br />W think the plan is a good one and <br />w think it will lead us to finally <br />g t out of the land ownership business <br />in LaSalle Park. We are optimistic that <br />it can work. We have agreed to keep <br />tie LaSalle Park Neighborhood Council <br />advised of progress so that we might <br />be, able to anticipate and deal with <br />y concerns that they may have as we <br />go along the way. <br />Nimtz: Mr. Ellison, can you give <br />a timeframe for the three phases of <br />s disposition plan? <br />M% Ellison: Yes. If the Commission <br />approves the plan today, the first <br />enrollment phase is slated to take <br />place between June 2nd and June 13th. <br />ere is to be a ten day working <br />period during which an adjoining owner <br />y take application. The reason for <br />the lag between May 16th and June 2nd <br />iE to allow the staff the necessary time <br />tc alert the neighborhood to the plan <br />d to gear up the enrollment process. <br />P ase two would start June 16th and end <br />on June 20th. Notification of the sale <br />or our intent to sell to adjoining <br />pioperty owners would take place between <br />June 16th and June 20th. Between <br />J ly 14th and July 25th we would begin <br />d execute phase two, and the application <br />period would be open during those dates. <br />July 30th we would do the drawing <br />for Phase two. From August 18th to <br />A gust 29th, if a Phase three was necessary, <br />wE would begin and execute that phase. On <br />S ptember 3rd if drawing were necessary <br />to complete that phase we would do it. I <br />might add that there is another provision <br />in the plan which suggests that if there <br />is a lot that someone is gardening on <br />where we have given a person permission <br />t do so and, if someone else as a result <br />o the plan, acquires that lot during <br />t summer months, the plan <br />