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South Beno Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular A eting - May 16, 1980 <br />6. NEW <br />b. Mr. Ellison continues... <br />Secondly, we have found that there <br />s not historically existed substantial <br />interest in buying the land in LaSalle <br />P rk. Part of the reason is that the <br />area contains a great deal of muck land. <br />us, it is difficult for a typical home <br />Wyer to purchase that land and use it for <br />a building. In addition there has been some <br />lick of interest in buying the land because <br />w have made it available at no charge <br />t residents who wish to garden on it. <br />In any event, because of lack of <br />i terest in buying land, the depart - <br />m nt has undertaken some initiative <br />over the years to dispose of or <br />encourage people to buy it. One <br />m thod we began using four years ago <br />w s to sell land on a time payment <br />b sis. Our experience with time <br />p yments, however, is that these <br />didn't work very well because buyers <br />have not made regular payments <br />or have made payments in nominal <br />ousts. As a result time sales <br />p yment arrangements have typically <br />e tended for a number of years. In <br />a dition, to all of the above, it costs <br />e department more money to sell a <br />lot than the department receives in <br />i come from that lot. Therefore, we <br />concluded late last stumner that there <br />exists a need to figure another method <br />to dispose of the land. The Disposition <br />P an you have before you results from <br />t at effort. The plan calls for using <br />tie approach the City used a year or <br />so ago in disposing of its vacant lot <br />inventory- -that is to sell it for $1.00 <br />per lot. The plan calls for this to <br />be done in three phases. The first <br />p ase is an application period which <br />w uld be open to adjoining owners <br />t department -owned property. An <br />adjoining owner would have first <br />o portunity under the plan to acquire <br />tie parcel next to them. There are <br />s me provisions to take into account <br />situations where there may be two <br />adjoining owners. After going through <br />5 <br />