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South Ben4 Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meting - May 16, 1980 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. c6ntinued.... <br />M Ellison: Mrs, Baumgartner, will the <br />B r eau of Housing be presenting more 312 <br />1 Ians to the Commission in the near future? <br />. Baumgartner: Yes, we will. <br />. Nimtz: Your embargo is off. Isn't <br />at right? <br />..Baumgartner: Yes, we are on our way. <br />had a meeting with contractors on <br />slay so we feel we have the ball rolling. <br />W. Donaldson made a motion to approve <br />a 312 loan to Ms. June Graham of 920 <br />N. Brookfield in the amount of $14,950.00, <br />d to Mr. Joseph Pluta of 1709 Sibley in <br />e amount of $2,656.00, seconded by <br />Auburn, and the motion was unanimously <br />b. C2�nission approval requested of Land <br />Disposition. Plan. for IND.-R-57, LaSalle <br />MT. Ellison: Included in your packets is <br />Item #6b which is a disposition plan for <br />LaSalle Park. We have tried to summarize <br />b iefly the background on LaSalle Park <br />d the activities involved there. <br />WE have also displayed a map here on the <br />board which will help explain the dis- <br />position plan. As a matter of perspective, <br />e department purchased two hundred sixty <br />t ree (263) parcels of land within the <br />LaSalle Park area. When we closed out the <br />pioject in 1977 we still owned one hundred <br />ninety nine (199) parcels. Since that time <br />we have sold seventy four (74) of the parcels <br />with one hundred twenty five (125) parcels re- <br />ining. It has been our experience that <br />handling the land creates a number of <br />difficulties. One of the difficulties <br />is that we don't have the capacity to <br />effectively manage the vacant property, <br />s rodent control, weed control, and <br />s' filar problems have confronted us. <br />4 <br />312 LOANS <br />APPROVED FOR <br />JUNE GRAHAM AND <br />JOSEPH PLUTA <br />