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South Ben4 Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular 11aeting May 16, 1980 <br />b. continued... <br />. Ellison: Well nothing happens. <br />ybody who bought it at our previous <br />price did so presumably because they <br />w ted to own the land. Our situation <br />i3 that while it may seem unfair, given <br />Vie overriding public interest it is <br />n t unreasonable for the department none- <br />t eless to be in a situation where <br />s eone else can buy the same amount <br />oE land for a dollar today. <br />s. Kolata: Mrs. Allen, I might <br />ation that several of the people who were <br />ying on time, and given the option of <br />at the plans were going to be, that <br />rhaps they were an adjoining owner, and <br />at they would be able to get it for <br />.00; they still chose to buy it <br />tright to make sure that they had it, <br />an knowing that we were going to <br />11 the lots for $1.00. <br />. Ellison: That is right. Over the <br />st couple of months we have done an <br />ful lot of land business out there, <br />obably more than we had in the whole year <br />fore that. We think we have been very <br />it with people in explaining the plan, <br />d the general reactions that we have <br />ceived is that people see it as <br />asonable and logical. We don't expect <br />y resistance or any comments contrary <br />the plan to come forward from the <br />Salle Park Council. They are aware <br />at the Commission is considering this <br />tter today. <br />Robinson: Who is cutting all the <br />ads in the meantime? <br />. Ellison: Hopefully the City will do <br />at. <br />. Nimtz: I don't think we had any <br />nplaints last year. We did two or three <br />ars ago. <br />14 <br />