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South Beno Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meting - May 16, 1980 <br />6. NEW BOSINESS <br />b. c6ntinued.... <br />Ellison: Yes. There is a two lot <br />Lit but there is some flexibility. If, <br />instance, we found that somebody <br />.ted to purchase five lots and nobody <br />e wanted those lots, then obviuosly <br />would dispose of all the lots to that <br />Ws. Allen: Wouldn't it save a lot of <br />p perwork and staff time if they sell <br />one hundred seventy five (175) lots for <br />a $1.00 a piece? Why couldn't the <br />N ighborhood Council collect $175.00, buy <br />a l the lots, and then take care of them? <br />Ellison: Well, they could, and that <br />s discussed at one of the meetings. But, <br />didn't encourage them to do that <br />cause I think given the problems we <br />ve managing land out there, and we have <br />11 time staff and they do not, I didn't <br />el that a neighborhood council would <br />ve the capacity we do to dispose of the <br />. Allen: Well, I don't think they would <br />as many problems as you do. <br />. Ellison: Well, I think they would. The <br />her thing, Mrs. Allen, is that they are a <br />n- profit organization. So I wasn't sure <br />could achieve the objective of getting <br />e land back on the tax rolls if the Council <br />stead of individual owners had an oppor- <br />nity to acquire it. I.think the council's <br />eling was that they didn't really want <br />attempt to manage 175 pieces of property. <br />do know that they investigated and are still <br />mewhat interested in the neighborhood <br />rid trust concept, but despite that, they <br />peared to be unprepared to take on the <br />sponsibility. I did note earlier that <br />ey had communicated with writing <br />eir general agreement with the plan. <br />. Allen: What happens to the prices <br />the lots that people have already <br />13 <br />