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South Be *d Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular leeting - April 25, 1980 <br />4. COMYIiâ–ºJNICATIONS <br />a. Mr. Nimtz continues... <br />fond would be so written that we <br />could obtain the $200,000 if the project <br />loes not meet fruition and completion. <br />t would be the Chair's recommendation that <br />re proceed with the Mayor's request and <br />;ay that we intend to convey to the South <br />'end Building Corporation the Odd Fellows <br />wilding if the legalistics can be <br />: ompleted and the bond be arranged to our <br />;atisfaction within a period of another <br />shirty days. I will leave it up to <br />fr. Sweeney and Mr. Butler to prepare the <br />exact motion. You understand what my <br />_ntention is Mr. Sweeney? <br />7r. Sweeney: Most assuredly. <br />4r. Nimtz: If the Commission proceeds <br />Tith the Mayor's request, the Commission <br />iembers may have some questions they may <br />Jish to ask the Mayor. <br />1s. Auburn: I am sorry that I missed the <br />3xecutive Session on Wednesday, but I did <br />feet with the Mayor this morning to talk <br />i little bit more about the proposal. I <br />;till have some very deep reservations <br />about the ability to finance and to bring <br />;he building on the market, however, I <br />ilso agree with the Mayor that if the <br />> uilding can be salvaged and renovated, that <br />Lt could be the boost that we need to the <br />iowntown area and generate some activity. <br />am concerned, perhaps, that the legal <br />iocunents be drafted in such a way to <br />rive full protection to the Redevelop- <br />ment Commission and to the City of <br />>outh Bend so that we can recapture that <br />)roperty and that building should it not <br />)e completed. I also have a question on <br />-he Borger /Jones renderings. What have <br />-hey recommended to the backside of the <br />) uilding? <br />