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South B <br />Regular <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />ting - April 25, 1980 <br />4. CONYUNICATIONS <br />a. Mayor Roger 0. Parent continues... <br />is renovation would be an asset to this <br />o munity. The architects estimate the cost <br />o renovate the building at around $36.00 <br />er square foot, while duplicating that <br />pace in a new structure would probably <br />equire about $65.00 per square foot. <br />enovation of the building seems to make <br />ense economically. I respectfully ask <br />he Commission to agree to convey the <br />uilding to the South Bend Building <br />orporation. We will then, if you agree, <br />otify them today of this decision and <br />hey are prepared to meet with us. <br />r. Ellison: I might add that we have <br />weed the building now for slightly more than <br />ne year, and clearly there is a need to <br />eep some progress going with respect to <br />is rehabilitation. I think the staff <br />ants to encourage the Commission to do <br />wo things; 1) to express that this type of <br />roposal is acceptable from the standpoint <br />f their standards of the building; and <br />) approve the Mayor's request to allow us <br />o go the next step to get us to the point <br />f final commitment. <br />r. Nimtz: I might say to the Commission <br />hat Mr. Butler and I have met with the <br />yor, Mr. Ellison, and the staff, and <br />lthough we keep talking about a perfor- <br />ate bond, it is our understanding that <br />f this is completed, the bond will be <br />ritten so that if the project fails, we will <br />btain the $200,000 and we can then use the <br />2001000 to tear the building down if we so <br />esire. Although we talk about, performance <br />ond, technically it is not that unless one <br />ays since he has not performed we get the <br />200,000. Normally when you talk about a <br />erformance bond, and I think W. Sweeney <br />ill agree with me, you talk about the <br />uilding being completed. Of course, if the <br />uilding fails you certainly couldn't <br />omplete the building for $200,000. It <br />s our understanding, through the I yor and <br />he counsel for Mr. Sam Kalman, that the <br />-7- <br />