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South Bead Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular eting - April 25, 1980 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />a. IUyor Parent continues... <br />, it will hurt nothing trying to work <br />th them. If you were a gambler attempting <br />get this building rehabilitated, there <br />certainly only one way to go, because <br />have nothing to lose, and everything <br />gain. It is not as if we have many <br />oices before us. What we have to gain <br />a rehabilitated building which,as the <br />chitects told us at this point, is even <br />re of an asset than it used to be. What <br />have to lose is possibly an inconvenience <br />eighteen months I, mainly, and the <br />nmissioners to a lesser degree, will have <br />face the public and say "my golly it <br />dn't work and we are recommending that <br />tear it down ". That is a possibility <br />t we are going to tie it down to where <br />e risks are minimal. <br />. Derbeck: Can you tell me why they <br />en't interested in the news media? <br />yor Parent: You have to understand that <br />velopers aren't interested in dealing <br />th the news people. We are, but they are <br />t, and that is their perrogative. They <br />11 have provided all their information <br />the time the final decision is made by <br />is Commission, but they have not <br />d any great incentives to deal with <br />1 kinds of people, but that is their <br />siness. I am not going to tell them <br />w to operate. <br />Derbeck: Well, they don't have to tell <br />did they tell you who their bankers were? <br />Ellison: Ms. Derbeck, they did, but bear <br />.mind that when we are negotiating, particu- <br />rly with a relatively new firm that has <br />me on the market or has come to our <br />tention, in a relatively short space of time <br />are more concerned about knowing what <br />eir plan is and knowing they have the <br />pacity to handle the project. We will <br />t normally push the deal to the point <br />ere we get all those details until we get <br />oser to closing. That will happen in the <br />xt thirty days. <br />-25- <br />