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South B Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - April 25, 1980 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />a. Mayor Parent continues... <br />one very substantial work there that <br />as been publicly recognized. He has <br />een written up in the newspapers there. <br />r. Kalman is personally a member of the <br />alifornia Economic Development Commis - <br />ion. We are dealing with someone who <br />s highly respected in his home town, so <br />e have no reason to believe that someone <br />f his stature and financial strength <br />ould have any reasons to come over to <br />outh Bend and say.. "I want to rehabili- <br />ate the Odd Fellows Building" in the <br />ack of his mind thing "I am not really <br />aterested, I am just playing a game." <br />Ls. Derbeck: After the meeting where <br />t was announced that Mr. Kalman was the <br />erson interested, I attempted to find <br />ut something about the Miichiana Warehouse. <br />he Chamber of Commerce couldn't tell me <br />nything and even the Better Business <br />ureau couldn't help me. In fact, the <br />eople in the office, when I called their <br />umber were very cagey. After the story <br />as in the paper I had a phone call from <br />company that said "what in the heck is <br />oing on, this company has owed me money <br />or a long time and they won't pay." I <br />now this sometimes happens. That doesn't <br />ule them out, but I have not heard any - <br />hing that reassures me about Michiana <br />arehouse. <br />ayor Parent: Without addressing all of <br />hose concerns, let me put it this way. <br />took office on January 1, 1980, and I <br />ade a commitment to attempt to get the <br />uilding rehabilitated. It is a long time <br />ommitment on my part. We worked with <br />t. Kalman and Mr. Nelson and the choice <br />hat we face is that we either go ahead <br />nd attempt to rehabilitate the building <br />f if they don't do the work the Commission <br />ants them to do, what they committed them - <br />elves to do, and we get the $200,000, we <br />hen tear it down in eighteen months or so. <br />t does not stand in the way of Century <br />-24- <br />