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South Bed Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular eeting - April 25, 1980 <br />4. COM40NICATIONS <br />a. continued... <br />. Nimtz: The Mayor desires to be <br />zomized. <br />ayor Parent: I think it should be obvious <br />o the Commissioners and the public who have <br />ollowed this that although there have been <br />ommLmications with the other developers, <br />hat in fact the redevelopment staff and <br />considered the South Bend Building <br />orporation's proposal the strongest one <br />hat was submitted. That is not to <br />ay that the others were not strong. <br />he key difference in this proposal, <br />nd the reason the decision was made to <br />nter into exclusive negotiations for <br />hirty days with them was the proposal <br />o submit to us at time of closing a <br />erformance bond. Now all the other <br />evelopers and public had known that <br />hat was submitted. I am not saying <br />hat they might not have done the <br />ame. On February 12 for example, we <br />eceived a letter that basically outlines <br />11 the elements of Mr. Kalman and <br />[r. Nelson's proposal to the Commission. <br />think it was obvious at that point <br />hat it made it the most attractive <br />roposal. That is not to say that <br />he others might not have been able <br />o put up that type of performance bond, <br />he fact is, they didn't. You have to <br />lake a decision at some point as to <br />hom you are going to negotiate with. <br />ou can't be forever negotiating with <br />'our or five different people. At some <br />,oint you make a decision that that is <br />.he person or company you are going to <br />negotiate further with. That is <br />!ssentially what was done, and it is not <br />n unusual procedure at all. Don't you <br />'eel that is a correct assessment, Mr. Ellison? <br />Mr. Ellison: It is probably correct <br />Mr. Brademas that classical negotiations <br />which might ordinarily occur if we were <br />talking about vacant land did not occur <br />in this negotiation; so I resent any notion <br />M. <br />