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South Bed Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - April 25, 1980. <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />a. Lontinued... <br />4r. Ellison: During that period I am sure <br />had contact with you. I also had contact <br />with the other redevelopers. <br />4r. Brademas: Obviously, there were no <br />attempts to sit down and negotiate. I <br />am not talking semantics, I am talking <br />bout negotiating. I think that is a <br />straight forward question. Did you, in <br />act, during that ninety day period, <br />ontact any of the developers, as you <br />indicated to us in a letter and say <br />ou would arrange a time to sit down <br />d negotiate? <br />4r. Ellison: No. <br />Mr. Brademas: I think it would be true <br />o say that we were used because the law <br />says that you cannot sell the property <br />at less than the asking price unless <br />ou receive bids and those bids are then <br />ejected. Then you may start to <br />egotiate at a lesser price. <br />r. Ellison: No, we have to wait <br />inety days. <br />r. Brademas: I understand about the <br />inety days obviously; but you were going <br />o negotiate with us during that ninety <br />ys, and there was never any attempt made <br />n the part of the Commission with me at <br />east. <br />Mr. Ellison: Are you representing that <br />e had no communication during that ninety <br />y period? <br />Mr. Brademas: I am representing that no <br />attempt was made on the part of the Redevelop- <br />ment Commission, either by the Commission <br />embers or the staff, to do any type of <br />negotiation with me or any of my people <br />whatsoever in conjunction with the Odd <br />ellows Building. That is exactly what <br />� am representing, because that is <br />xactly the case. <br />-17- <br />