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South end Redevelopment Commission <br />Regul# Meeting - March 21, 1980 <br />4. CO1 "ICATIONS <br />a.l continued..... <br />Mtc. Kalman has a good ttcacfz record in re�stoAi,ng <br />buitdings in Cati.4ornca and Kansas. In addition, <br />he is a membetc o4 the State o4 Ca2.i4onnia <br />Feonom� c peve2opment Commission and has been cited <br />4on his pre!s etevat t.on wo&k by the City o4 Al i teh.i ta, <br />Kansas. <br />At. Kalman is intenusted in South Bend and <br />in the Odd Fettows Bu itd ing because he betievus <br />the community is progrezzive. <br />I would tike to request that the Redevelopment <br />Commission wo&k with me to 4uAther puuue this <br />ptcopozal. As you know, I believe the Odd Fellows <br />Building is a substantW aspset to outs community. <br />It is wo&thy o4 conseAvation since e44eettively <br />rehab.i e itated old space is not in4et for to and <br />can /s ueee/ss 4uUy compute with new space on the <br />moAket. In addition, the Odd FePtows Buitding <br />provides an .immediate oppotrtun.ity to seewce <br />Is ome o4 the pk i.vate sector 4.inanc i.a2 commitments <br />that can assist ups in packaging a UDAG grant 4or <br />poAking and other pubt ie .imptcovement/s in the <br />Century Mall project. <br />For these reasons and otheu , I res peet4ully <br />request that the Commission enter with me into a 30 -day <br />pMiod o4 exctuts.ive negotiation with the South Bend <br />Building Corporation. By the end of this peAi.od, <br />I be.Ptfeve att neeersatiy deter tz can be wo&ked <br />Gut .to pe&m-i t a Commission decision on the <br />building. <br />Sincere ey, <br />S/ <br />RogeA O. Percent <br />ThelChair recognized the Honorable Mayor Roger 0. Parent. <br />Mayor Parent: I wanted to formally present this <br />proposal to the Commission this morning. Essentially I <br />am here to ask you to enter, along with me, into a 30 -day <br />exclusive negotiation period with T1r. Sam Kalman of <br />San Francisco, California and Mr. William Nelson of South <br />Bend. I feel the proposal that has been submitted is a <br />strong one and I would like to have a 30 -day period in Which <br />to firm up all of the details. <br />-5- <br />