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South Ben4 Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular M eting February 1, 1980 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. colntinued..... <br />MT. Hill: Any work that has been performed <br />is checked thoroughly and has to carry two <br />signatures, one signature from Renew, Inc. <br />and the other from the Bureau of Housing. <br />I personallyinspect to make sure that the <br />W k has been done, that it has been done <br />well, and only then do I send it on to the <br />B eau of Housing who also inspects. <br />Nimtz: Mr. Robinson, I will mention that <br />have had no difficulty with either Renew, <br />or Southold on anything they have been <br />iervising. They have provided excellent <br />iervision. <br />Mrs. Baumgartner: The only thing I can add <br />is t hat we will be training inspectors. <br />Mr. Cira: You mentioned that you would have <br />a lower income family assume this on a land <br />contract ... what kind of down payment or <br />interest rate are you asking for? <br />Hill: It is for $100.00 down payment and <br />interest is 130. We go by what the current <br />Rage rate is. <br />Ms. Auburn made a motion to approve a grant in <br />the amount of $8,000.00 to Renew, Incorporated <br />of South Bend, Indiana, a not - for - profit <br />corporation, for repairs and improvements on <br />aliouse located at 811 North Allen Street, <br />su ject to Common Council approval, seconded <br />by Mr. Robinson, and. the motion was unanimously <br />ca ried. <br />b. Commission approval requested for a grant in <br />th amount of 83,000.00, to Renew, Incorporated <br />OT South Ben T, Indiana, a not-for-profit cor- <br />poration for repairs and improvements on a <br />ho e located at 1822 North Werwinski, as per <br />-5- <br />A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT <br />OF $8,000.00 WAS <br />APPROVED FOR RENEW, <br />INC. OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA FOR 811 NORTH <br />ALLEN STREET <br />