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South Ben Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular M eting - November 7, 1980 <br />6. NEW <br />b. Mt. McMahon continues... <br />nditions exist in the area in <br />.estion which can be corrected by <br />!gulatory process or by the ordinary <br />,eration of private enterprise. The <br />'ea in question has not been bypassed <br />underutilized due to economic cir- <br />mstances which have deterred normal <br />velopment, and the area in question <br />s not become undesirable for, or im- <br />ssible of, normal development and <br />cupancy because of any lack of de- <br />lopment, cessation of growth, deterio- <br />tion of improvements or character of <br />cupancy, age, obsolesence, substan <br />rd buildings or other factors which <br />ve impaired values or prevent a normal <br />velopment of property or use of <br />As background information the report <br />goes an to state that the property in <br />question was purchased by the petitioners <br />in June, 1979, and three structures on <br />the property were demolished in September, <br />of that year. Claey's is constructing an <br />111.000 square foot addition to their pre- <br />sent building at a cost of $380,000.00. <br />The addition is to be used for expansion <br />p rposes. This will create five new jobs. <br />Me area is currently zoned "D" Light <br />Industrial and all utilities are present. <br />Visual inspection of the exterior con- <br />d-' tions of the area were undertaken to <br />determine whether the area had become <br />undesirable for, or impossible of, <br />normal development and occupancy due to <br />a lack of development or a deterioration <br />of improvements. Due to the fact that <br />construction on the site has begun, it <br />w s impossible to offer any inspection <br />observations relative to the previous <br />condition of the property. A check of <br />the Building Department showed that a <br />building permit was issued September 25, <br />1 80. <br />we <br />