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South Bead Redevelopment Commission <br />Special Meeting - September 15, 1980 <br />4. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />b. dontinues.... <br />. Baumgartner: No. Because he has <br />eived-enough jobs to keep him happy <br />he has a number of things going on <br />side. <br />. Robinson: When you put these things <br />for bid don't you make certain require - <br />ats and certain specifications that they <br />Lre to meet? And regardless of what his <br />ice is I think you would have to live <br />to your bid specifications. <br />. Baumgartner: We do. <br />r. Robinson: Then why don't you hold his <br />ose to the grindstone and lets find out what <br />e can do. I can't see if he is continuously <br />of meeting the requirements of what you think <br />s in the best interest of the property owner <br />f you have a bid specification he sure as heck <br />as to do what he promises he will do. I say <br />ets award him a contract and see what he will <br />rs. Baumgartner: We have awarded him some. <br />e are obligated to compare the bids to our <br />ost estimate and make a determination whether <br />he bids are to high or to low. <br />Butler: Kathy, have you had discussions <br />th him to determine why, he is coming in <br />low? <br />-s. Baumgartner: Yes. He feels he can do <br />C <br />or that amount. Until people really start <br />L a job, they are still thinking of doing it <br />ieir way, using the type of materials they <br />Link they are going to use. There have been <br />number of times where jobs had to be done <br />-er entirely. If in fact we find that we <br />•e able to make a comparison and find his <br />ices are legitimate to those- being charged <br />people on the streets we will change our <br />,int of view but right now we are trying to <br />.intain our policy of not awarding contracts <br />.sed on bids that differ by 200 of our cost - <br />timates. <br />Auburn: I would like to see you continue <br />follow the rule of thumb that we have been <br />M <br />