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South Be d Redevelopment Commission <br />Special eeting - September 15, 1980 <br />4. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />b. Ms. Auburn continues....... <br />ng; then give us a, report back <br />n he has had the opportunity to <br />a couple of bids. That way we can <br />what kind of quality we've got <br />m Mr. Stickler and determine if <br />re were any problems with materials <br />t he used. <br />r. Robinson: In other words, if I'm <br />istening carefully and reading between the <br />Ines, what you are telling me is that we <br />re still faced with the problem of inspec- <br />ions. Even though you are rehabing a house <br />ou don't have enough people to keep the em- <br />loyer honest. <br />[rs. Baumgartner: Yes, we have enough people <br />ut until we are able to make better judgements <br />n the costs of rehabing the house we have to <br />se the 20% comparison figure and <br />udgement. <br />r. Robinson: I can't understand why, if you <br />ave the proper inspection to make sure that your <br />id specifications are met, you don't let the <br />ontractor try to do the job. You can make him <br />o the job according to the specifications he bid <br />. Baumgartner: We can. <br />r. Nimtz: The thing of it is convenience to the <br />roperty owner. You get the house all torn up and <br />he contractor does his work and you make him redo <br />t and it gets all torn up again. I think they are <br />onceined for the convenience and the welfare <br />f the property owner. <br />irs. Baumgartner: Also, the loan is a one shot deal. <br />'ust say we get Joe Contractor off the Street and he <br />;ivies us a very low bid. We give the loan on that <br />mount of the bid and he gets 1/3 of the job done <br />end says, forget it, then we have to rebid that portion <br />nd'odds are good that we will not be able to finish <br />.hat job with the money left over from the loan. That <br />.s why they have written into the guidelines that we <br />gave to compare bids to our cost - estimate. <br />-10- <br />