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South end Redevelopment Commission <br />Specia Meeting - September 15, 1980 <br />4. NE� BUSINESS (continued) <br />a.l continues... <br />Na� Amount <br />Cliffo d & Ann $ 6,800 00 <br />Fi lds - <br />1017 E. Donald <br />South lend., IN <br />Ulyses Ratchford $141,350.00 <br />202 N. Studebaker <br />South lend, IN <br />Loan No. <br />18/OMC- 0011/110/1 <br />18 ?OMC- 0011/113/1 <br />Mr. Ellison: The Commission's attention <br />should be directed to the second loan <br />where Ben $ Hedy Robinson request a loan <br />of $21,000.00 in connection with Urban <br />Homesteading. Mrs. Robinson works for <br />us and it is necessary that we make a <br />public disclosure and that there also be <br />a waiver from HUD in this situation. <br />Mr. Nimtz: This is the same procedure as <br />when the policeman bought the -lot in LaSalle <br />Park? <br />Mr. Ellison: That is correct. <br />The waiver will be applicable both <br />technically to the Homesteading partici- <br />pation and to the 312 loan. Kathy <br />is anything notable in any other of <br />these? - <br />Mrs. Baumgartner: Yes. Tower Federal will <br />be paying off Carlis and Pricilla Phillips's <br />land contract and this is the first time we <br />have ever dealt with private financing and <br />312 loans. Also the loans which have the <br />loan number H -003 are all homesteader's that <br />were awarded their property two Friday's ago. <br />Mr. Robinson made a motion that the 312 loans <br />except Ben & Hedy Robinson's be approved, <br />seconded by Ms. Auburn and the motion was <br />unanimously carried. <br />Mr. Donaldson made a motion that the redevelopment <br />staff take the necessary actions, to obtain a waiver <br />for Ben & Hedy Robinson as required under HUD <br />regulations and to approve a 312 loan for Ben & Hedy <br />Robinson subject to receipt of the HUD waiver, <br />seconded by Ms. Auburn and the motion was unanimously <br />carried. <br />