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• <br /> • <br /> drives, which abuts a residential district, including a <br /> residential district separated by a dedicated alley, <br /> shall be landscaped with grass, groundcovers, trees, <br /> earth berm, evergreen hedge, an on-site building and/or <br /> shrubbery to form an effective screening of the <br /> off-street parking facility and any associated <br /> driveways from adjoining residential districts . An <br /> ornamental, decorative fence or masonry wall may be <br /> used in conjunction with the landscaping. Any <br /> landscaping, fence, wall, or berm provided to satisfy <br /> this requirement shall be established and maintained at <br /> a height of not less than five feet or more than eight <br /> feet to restrict the view of parked vehicles . <br /> Section 3 : <br /> That Section 21-12 "B" Residential District; uses permitted; <br /> exceptions of Division 5 of Article 2 of Chapter 21, Zoning, be <br /> amended to read as follows : <br /> Section 21-12 (a) (4) Nursing homes, rest homes, convalescent <br /> homes, public or private clinics, principal offices of <br /> physicians, and dentists, attermeys;-arehiteets;-aee&untaxts; <br /> real-estate-agents;-advertising-agents;-en.gixeers-and <br /> iRsuranee-agents; provided no sign exceeding sixteen (16) <br /> square feet in area nor higher than four (4) feet above the <br /> surrounding grade level is used or exhibited; <br /> Section 4 : <br /> That Section 21-170 Permitted signs by district of ARTICLE 10, <br /> SIGN REGULATIONS, of Chapter 21, Zoning, be amended by adding the <br /> following subsections . <br /> 21-170 (3 .3) "0" Office district : <br /> (a) One On-premise, freestanding sign per primary building <br /> provided that : <br /> 1 . The sign does not exceed sixteen square feet in <br /> area; <br /> 2 . The top of the sign does not exceed four feet <br /> above grade; <br /> 3 . The sign meets the setback requirements of <br /> Section 21-169 (c) ; and <br /> 4 . The sign shall not be interior lighted. <br /> (b) One marquee or canopy sign per primary building <br /> provided that : <br /> 1. The sign does not exceed eight square feet in <br /> display area; <br /> 2 . The sign meets the requirements of 21-169 (d) ; <br /> and <br /> 3 . The sign shall not be interior lighted. <br /> (c) Facia signs provided that: <br /> 1 . The sign does not exceed sixteen square feet; <br /> and <br /> 2 . The sign shall not be interior lighted. <br /> (d) Directional signs provided that: <br /> 1. The sign does not exceed two square feet; <br /> 2 . The sign shall not exceed two and one-half feet <br /> above grade; and <br /> 3 . The sign shall not be interior lighted. <br /> (e) Window signs not exceeding two square feet of copy <br /> area. <br /> (f) The total square feet of all signs shall not exceed <br /> thirty-two square feet. <br />