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• <br /> (a) Front Yard requirements . <br /> There shall be a front yard of not less than <br /> twenty-five (25) feet . <br /> (b) Side Yard setback. There shall be two side yards each <br /> of which shall not be less than eight (8) feet in width for <br /> lots which are at least sixty (60) feet wide at the building <br /> setback line or five (5) feet in width for lots which are <br /> less than sixty (60) feet wide at the building setback line. <br /> (c) Corner lot requirements . On corner lots, the side yard <br /> adjoining the street shall have a setback of not less than <br /> twenty-five (25) feet. <br /> (d) Rear Yard setback. There shall be a rear yard of not <br /> less than fifteen (15) feet. <br /> (e) Height of Buildings . No building hereafter erected or <br /> structurally altered shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet or <br /> two and one-half (2%) stories in height . <br /> (f) Lot Area. The lot area shall not be less than <br /> forty-eight hundred (4, 800) square feet in area. <br /> (g) Lot Width. The lot width shall not be less than <br /> thirty-five (35) feet at the building setback line. <br /> (h) Lot Coverage. No building shall be erected or <br /> increased in ground area so that more than forty (40) percent <br /> of the area of the lot will be covered. <br /> Sec. 21-12 . 060 "0" Office District : off-street parking and <br /> loading facilities, and landscaping and screening requirements . <br /> In addition to the regulations set forth in ARTICLE 5 . OFF-STREET <br /> PARKING AND LOADING FACILITIES the following shall apply. In <br /> case of conflicting regulations the more restrictive shall apply. <br /> (a) Off-street parking is permitted in the front yard or <br /> side yard adjoining a street provided, however, that a <br /> fifteen (15 ' ) foot wide strip of the required front <br /> yard or side yard adjoining a street, measured from and <br /> parallel to the front lot line, and extending the full <br /> length of the off-street parking facility, shall be <br /> maintained as a landscaped portion of the front yard or <br /> side yard adjoining a street. <br /> (b) Parking lot maneuvering areas and aisles, except for <br /> entrance drives and walks, are not permitted to <br /> encroach into that portion of the front yard or side <br /> yard adjoining a street reserved for landscaping as <br /> defined above. <br /> (c) Off-street parking, associated drives and maneuvering <br /> areas shall not be located less than eight feet from <br /> any side lot line. <br /> (d) Off-street parking, associated drives and maneuvering <br /> areas shall not be located less than fifteen feet from <br /> any rear lot line. <br /> (e) Except for entrance drives and walks, an off-street <br /> parking facility that may be viewed from a public <br /> street shall be screened by a decorative fence, masonry <br /> wall, evergreen hedge, earth berm, an on-site building <br /> or any combination thereof. The screening shall be <br /> established and maintained at a height of not less than <br />