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South Bend fZedevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - December 21, 1979 <br />MRIKON <br />b. continued... <br />Mr. Cira: I am not sure if this is possible, but <br />instead of having all of these amended change orders <br />eve several weeks, why don't we have the job that <br />was supposed to be completed, and didn't get com <br />le ed, be re- contracted out. Say anything over <br />20 .00. <br />Mr.lRobinson: That is cost - prohibitive. <br />Mr. Cira: Can't we cut down on the time from <br />initial inspection date to the time the job is <br />co leted? <br />A1r. Johnson: These contracts have to go through quite <br />a few boards, such as the Advisory Board, through the <br />Redevelopment Commission, Common Council, attorney, <br />etc <br />Mr. Ellison: Mr. Cira, there are some problems in <br />the Bureau of Housing, in that a number of the <br />programs and procedures need to be revised. Currently, <br />there is effort underway to look in great detail, <br />at all the various programs and try to streamline <br />them. For some reason it has become a habit of over- <br />regulating, and over - proceduring our programs. A <br />lot of these have occurred for reasons that are un- <br />related. For instance, nobody anticipated in 1975 <br />when we received community development funds that <br />the Common Council would want to approve by <br />resolution every contract over $5,000. In <br />addition, nobody anticipated that as a result <br />of changing rehab programs a number of years ago <br />where we went to bidding large blocks of units <br />by rehab category, in some situations we would <br />receive only one bid or no bids at all. Conseqently, <br />we would have to go through a rebidding process, <br />etc In any event, this frustration of lag time <br />and the problems it creates, which potentially <br />lea&s to change orders, will probably exist until <br />the next year because I feel it will take that <br />lon to go through an overall process for all <br />the e programs. <br />Mr. Cira: The only thing I was concerned about is <br />that I don't know if the $200.00 is too low or too <br />high, or what, and if I have three estimated bids <br />in front of me I have an idea of what the other <br />con ractors are bidding on the job. I can get a <br />bal park figure. <br />sox <br />