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South.Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 21, 1979 <br />6. NEW <br />b. continued..... <br />Mr. Cira made a motion to approve Change Order <br />No. 9, with Plaia Construction Company, for an <br />increase in contract price of $429.00 (for the <br />bra ding of the lavatory and the installation of <br />and rlayment and tile in the dining room) at the <br />add ess of 1305 E. Sorin Street, seconded by <br />Mr. Robinson, and the motion was unanimously <br />car ied. <br />c. Coni4iss ion <br />ease of �61U.0 <br />I of 6,082 :OC <br />, as set forFh <br />ect Director, <br />nested for Change Order <br />emodelin , Inc., an <br />r an amen e 'contract <br />au of HouslnQ. <br />Mr. Johnson: Riverbend Remodeling discovered an <br />error in one item, which was to be specified in <br />their bid, that was overlooked and now would like to he <br />reimbursed $310.00. The Bureau voluntarily spot checks <br />all bids and, where discrepancies exist, a contractor <br />can either retract their bid or accept a loss. The <br />Bureau, by past practice, would never allow any <br />contractor to increase their bid because of a mistake. <br />Legal counsel has been obtained and we are not <br />com idered to be obligated to increase this contract. <br />Riverbend Remodeling, Inc. requests your approval <br />for this change order. <br />Mr. Ellison: To clarify what I believe Mr. Johnson <br />is saying, the Bureau of Housing is not recommending <br />thiE change order, but rather, Riverbend Remodeling, <br />the contractor is in order to recover costs. The <br />Bureau of Housing elected, pursuant to the terms of <br />our contract, to bring the issue to the Commission. <br />Mr. Robinson made a motion to reject Change Order <br />No. 2, with Riverbend Remodeling, Inc. in which they <br />asked for an increase in contract price of $310.00, <br />seconded by Mr. Donaldson, and the motion was <br />unanimously carried. <br />d. CO fission approval request <br />with Plaia Construction Con <br />contract price of 10.00, f <br />tot ,.1 of 4,514.00, at the <br />as set forth in letter fron <br />Pro ect Director. Bureau o <br />for Change Order No. 7 <br />y, for an increase in <br />an amended ct <br />ress of 946 E. <br />James Johnson <br />-10- <br />CHANGE ORDER #2 WITH <br />RIVERBEND REMODELING, <br />INC. REQUESTING AN <br />INCREASE IN CONTRACT <br />PRICE WAS REJECTED <br />